Just like there are many different teaching methods, there are different ways to learn and understand new information. Every child has different learning preferences. For example, some learn better by hearing whilst others by doing. As a mother of two children who completely differ in their learning styles, during lockdown I have been really focusing on how to best help my children.

If you have found yourself suddenly homeschooling or noticed your child is struggling out of school, here are some of the different learning styles you can implement at home:
Visual (spatial) learning – Visual learners are those who prefer to learn by observing things. This can mean using pictures, diagrams, whiteboards to help your child understand better. Children like this can easily visualise information and can often be found drawing.
a visual learner would learn to fix a car better if they watch an instructional video rather than listening to an expert explain the process.
Aural (auditory) learner – These learners typically have a good sense of rhythm and are good listeners. They normally learn best through verbal presentations such as lectures and speeches, as well as sound and music.
Typically, aural learners prefer to listen to lectures rather than take notes. They may also read things out loud to help better understand the material. For children, use rhymes, music, or a jingle you’ve created to help learn lengthy material.
Verbal (linguistic) learner – Verbal learners prefer to use words, both in speech and writing. They are confident expressing themselves and usually love to read and write.
Verbal learners like to talk about concepts, write down notes and potentially present them too. The trick is to decipher what adjacent types of learning apply to them. If they are more outgoing, have them present their findings. If they are a more introspective verbal learner, try talking to them one-on-one.
Physical (kinesthetic) learner – These learners are all about the sense of touch. Physical activities and sports play a big part in their lives and getting hands-on for these learners is vital as they prefer to learn this way as opposed to seeing or hearing.
Kinesthetic learners need to move. They wiggle, tap, swing their legs, bounce, and often just can’t seem to sit still. They learn through their bodies and their sense of touch. 2. Kinesthetic learners have excellent “physical” memory. An example of a kinaesthetic learning experience is when a child learns to use a swing or to ride a bike. They can read instructions or listen to instructions, but deep learning occurs via the process of doing.
Now more than ever, it’s vital we take notice of how are children are coping and if they are having any difficulties learning. My children learn in different ways and my experience has made me aware of how crucial some extra support can be to parents and children on their academic skills, as well as confidence building. I am thrilled to be able to say I am now offering an all inclusive tutoring sessions for children between 2-11+. This program has been created by mums, qualified teachers, therapists as well as early years practitioners.